October 2023 - Transformation

Most of us want to see a transformation in some area of our lives.

But, oftentimes, the way we seek that transformation is through the changing of our behaviors. And while that works for a little bit, it typically does not last long.

Why? The only way we can experience sustainable change is when we transform within. When we take a look at the root behind the behavior that we are looking to change.

In my own healing journey, my transformation had to come through the renewing of my mind. I had to change the beliefs I had about God, about others, and, most importantly, about myself.

Renewing the mind takes work. It's having to make a change constantly and consistently from the old pathway to a new one. It's having a conscious effort to tell myself that I'm not going to go down that old, familiar road.

But anytime we try to do something new, we are going to bump into a wall. That wall can be several different things - habits, familiarity, fear, etc.

That wall will try to stop us and try to prevent us from moving forward. So, we must recognize it as a normal part of the transformation process and not let it cause us to lose hope.

Hope is a key component when doing a new thing. It is an unstoppable force, and it can overcome any wall that is presented to us in the process.

So what does that look like, practically? One of the ways to change what we think is to change what we feed on, what we meditate on, what we take in.

This means taking an assessment of what we are watching, what we are reading, and even who we are surrounding ourselves with - because we are wherever our mind is.

So, we must ask ourselves, "Do I like where my mind is at?" If not, a change may be needed. We must remove unhelpful things we are fixed on and instead pick up the new things that we can grow in.

Because our future will be better than our present and we have the transformative power within us to help make it so!


November 2023 - Revelation


September 2023 - Deception