November 2023 - Revelation

Revelation, like clarity, is a gift.

It's a gift that is meant to be shared, to be poured out. So, when revelation comes, we must be on alert.

But, to catch it, we have to have eyes to see it and ears to hear it. Why? Because revelation comes in many different forms.

It can start as something small or vague, like a blurry picture before us. Then, as we get closer, it becomes clearer.

But we must have the hunger to get closer or else we will miss what is being presented right before our very eyes. It's a gift being given, and we get to choose what we do with it.

God will often bring someone across our path that is meant to receive that information, so we must be prudent not to miss it. That's not to say it's not for us as well, but revelation is often an opportunity to serve.

Will we walk away? Or will we be drawn in? Because even though revelation can start as something vague, as we give it attention, it will become clearer.

And the weight of the revelation we have received can help us in our decision-making process. We want to have enough weight of revelation to carry the weight of the final decision we make of what to do with it.

Because revelation is not just for us, it’s for others as well!


December 2023 - Gratitude


October 2023 - Transformation