August 2023 - Perception

Perception is not reality.

This was a lesson I had to learn in my own healing journey. See, I used to think that the way I saw things was the way that they were.

And that the way other people saw things, when it didn’t line up with the way I saw them, was wrong. But what I didn’t realize was that our perceptions of God, ourselves, and others is actually skewed according to the way we’ve experienced life.

And often, in an effort to rationalize pain and trauma, we can create false perceptions of reality. So, while it is a version of reality, it is not true reality.

This is why two people can see things or experience things and describe the situation differently. Both are truth, but it’s truth from each person’s perspective.

We must go in to each and every situation with this understanding, that the way we see things is not the way they are, they’re just the way we perceive them.

So, the next time you perceive something differently than someone else, remember, your perception is limited to your experiences just as their perception is limited to theirs!


September 2023 - Deception


July 2023 - Boundaries