June 2023 - Decision-Making

What's driving your decision-making process?

It may sound strange, but self-awareness plays a big role in decision-making. Why? Because you need to know you enough to understand what is behind your method of decision-making.

In my own healing journey, I discovered that I was operating in a lot of fear. Fear was driving my decisions, which meant I was making my decisions from a place of lack. So the decisions I made were ones to meet an immediate need but may not have been the best decisions for my life, long-term. Once I became aware of this, I was able to look at the root of that fear.

I was able to work through that unmet need that caused the fear, and that gave me peace. That peace gave me clarity, which helped me to see things much more clearly. And by seeing things more clearly, I was able to make better decisions for my life. 

However, we weren't meant to do this life alone, so getting advice from others is important - but you want to ensure the advice you're getting is wise counsel. Because not everyone who has influence in your life should have influence on your decisions.

And just because the advice is coming from a good person, it doesn't mean it's always good. James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

So, if you are unclear on the decision you should make, ask God for wisdom and then be open to how he shows up - because sometimes wisdom does come in the form of another person! But even though other people can influence your decision-making process, they cannot make your decisions for you.

And while God will use his people to help us make better decisions, you and you alone are responsible for the decision you make. So, take a look at what's driving your decision-making process - you might be surprised at what you find out!

July 2023 - Boundaries


May 2023 - Faith