June 2024 - Innovation

Innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas that bring improvements.

It is the lifeblood of progression. Without innovation, we would simply live life as we always have - there would be no growth and no change. Our quality of life would remain stagnant with little to no improvement.

Not only that, we are created beings that were designed to create! But what often happens in the creative process is we judge our ideas or the ideas of others, which quickly shuts down innovation.

These judgments are based on assumptions and are usually unintentional, but they form walls that put our innovative ideas in a box. This makes it very difficult for us to come up with out-of-the-box ideas.

So, unless we break free from the habit of these assumptions, our innovative ideas will stay within the confines of the box we've created. At best, innovation permits us to change our location within it.

That's why, during the innovation process, there should be no evaluation whatsoever. Why? Because evaluation is the fastest way to shut down innovation.

Evaluation is, at its core, judgment - and nobody wants to feel judged. This is especially true when we are trying to break through our box of assumptions.

In my own healing journey, I came to realize how much I shut down my creative side. It wasn't intentional but instead was a mode of protection to avoid the potential pain of being judged.

So, I had to heal those areas of pain that operated out of the fear of man. I had to realize that judgments or opinions of others had nothing to do with me.

Instead, these judgments and opinions were a reflection of the lens of others towards what I presented rather than a reflection of me. It was tied to what I did and not who I was.

Once I was able to create that separation, it freed me to be more open with my innovative ideas - and I hope this helps you as well!


July 2024 - Listening


May 2024 - Qualification